Peer Review Process

  1. Papers are submitted to the journal via the dedicated form on the website.
  2. Authors are notified via email to confirm the receipt of their submissions within 3 work days.
  3. Submitted manuscripts are checked for relevance to the objectives and fields of study of the journal..
  4. Submitted manuscripts are blindly forwarded to two reviewers.
  5. Reviewers make decisions about submitted manuscripts within one month, if papers are accepted for publication without modifications, accepted with further modifications, or rejected. If reviewer's decisions do not match, the manuscript is forwarded to a third reviewer for final decision.
  6. Authors are notified of the reviewer's decisions, and urged to do the recommended modifications (if any) within one week.
  7. Accepted manuscripts are received in the final forms and reserved for publication in the next issue.
  8. Authors are asked to send biographical notes.
  9. Letters of acceptance/rejection are sent to authors.