Guide for Authors

Instructions for Authors:

The editorial board adheres to the following publication instructions. Only papers following these instructions are considered for publication

I-Administrative instructions:

  1. SEG publishes papers in the aforementioned fields by researchers at Egyptian and Arab-recognized universities, institutes, centers, and academic societies.
  2. Priority of publication is on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  3. The contents of manuscripts are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily express the opinion of the editorial board or reviewers.
  4. The journal chooses two reviewers and a third reviewer, if necessary, of specialized professors to review the validity and suitability of the manuscript for publication according to the review form.
  5. The author may suggest reviewers for the manuscript, but the editorial board decides on two reviewers of the suggested.
  6. A publication of the journal should not be republished somewhere else but after written consent from the editorial board.
  7. Submitting a manuscript is a commitment by the author(s) that it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, nor is it a chapter of a published book, until the end of the review process.

II- Technical instructions:

  1. Manuscripts should be free of typos, spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors and adhere to the rules of scientific publication.
  2. Manuscripts should be single-spaced, and typed in Times New Roman font (12), with titles in Bold (14). Side margins should be 3.25 cm, while header and footer margins should be 3.5 cm.
  3. Manuscripts are paginated in Arabic numerals (i.e. 1, 2, 3 . . . etc.) in the middle of the footer margin.
  4. Articles should follow the APA style sheet, Version 7.
  5. Abstracts should not exceed more than 200 words.
  6. The tables are inserted intext and sequentially numbered in Arabic numerals (i.e. Figure 1, 2, 3 . . . etc.), with titles above and explanatory notes below.
  7. In case of acceptance for publication, the author receives a copy of the journal and five reprints of the paper (hardcopy issues and extracts are delivered via express mail EMS, and fees of delivery are to be calculated at the time of delivery based on location).


SEG is a promising journal intended to be among the well-established publications in the fields of education and sustainable development. We inaugurate our journal with the following milestones in mind:

  • Our first issue is determined to be published by January 2024.
  • From thence, an issue will be out every six months.
  • Of course, we need to achieve visibility and credibility before we can seek recognition from the major indexes. During this time, we will build a network of researchers and other publishers, and as we achieve our initial goals we will be preparing for our next step.
  • After four issues we hope to be indexed in Scopus.
  • One issue later we should be ready to apply to EBSCO.
  • Our next step should be to apply to MLA International Bibliography.

While one of our goals is to be indexed in well-established academic indexes, our utmost priority is the commitment to publishing high-quality research and high research ethics. This is our major mission, and we believe that’s what’s going to get us there as a leading publisher in the field of education and sustainability.